We woke up to rain, wind and a low overcast this morning. However, it is clearing up now as there is a small high pressure zone building behind the front. There may be a small window this afternoon. The gliders are rigged and are being loaded with ballast in the moment.
Maria took some great photos yesterday:

Dave has landed and is retrieved from the field. Big applause from the Sunday crowd for the Canadians!

Dave and Virginia are all relaxed. For the rest of us the situation is still tense as we are waiting for word from Jerzy. The person at the right is Art Grant from Winnipeg. Art is a volunteer who is helping as a scrutineer or in other functions with the organization of the contest. He arrieved from Rieti last week. If we need anything, Art usually knows where to get it.

I jumped when the phone rang, ready to take down the information. Fortunately, the call was not from Jerzy.

Finally! Jerzy comes in!

A big Prosit on Jerzy making it back as one of 15 in a field of 50 gliders!
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