Discussed yesterday's airspace penalty with Dave this morning. Unfortunately, it is a clear cut case and there is no point trying to do something about it - he was scored as landed out after 9.3 km. Getting 13 points on a 840 point day is of course a killer.
The weather today is great. Still the same airmass as yesterday but less wind and less moisture. This translates into plenty of cu but with higher bases and less tendency to spread out. The cu are lining up to form nice SW/NE cloud streets. Cloud base is forecast to go up to 6400 ft with up to 6 kts thermals. The only fly in this are some cirrus fields that might affect the task area.

18m has an interesting task today, taking them clockwise around the greater Berlin area. It's a 455.4 km assigned speed task. They will have the benefit of a long downwind leg north of Berlin where the WSW winds are forecast to be stronger than here south of Berlin. However, the area of the southbound leg east of Berlin, along the river Oder which forms the border to Poland, is known to be weak.
Jerzy (XG) went on task at 12:34. Assuming a speed of 130 kph, we expect him to be back around 16:00 (10 am eastern daylight). Keep checking the daily and overall score sheets.
Today is likely to be the last contest day, so many pilots will go on the all out attack. It's now or never!
Jerzy is currently in 8th place with 5221 points. Everything up to 5th place is within easy reach and less than 10 points ahead of Jerzy. On the other hand, current 12th place is only 84 points behind Jerzy. A lot can happen today!
15m is flying a 422.3 km assigned speed task to the east and south east. There have been many tasks in this part of the task area, so the pilots are quite familiar with it. Dave started at 13:06. Assuming a speed of 125 kph, he should be back around 16:30 (10:30 am eastern daylight).
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