Good Morning Canada
It's a great day here in Luesse with temperatures in the low 30s and a nice easterly breeze (easterly wind is good here).
A few cu are dotting the sky. Dr. Jack's forecast for the day is 5kt thermals to 4500 - 5000 ft. This will provide for a nice working band, snce ground elevation in the area is only 200 - 400 ft.
As most of the teams have arrived now, the place is getting very busy. In total, there will be 134 gliders which will be launched by a fleet of 8 Wilga Towplanes. The Wilgas are equipped with special mufflers which make them very quiet.
Dave and Jerzy took off around 1p local time (Central European). They are planning to go on a 500 k task with the Polish team.
I can only imagine how exciting it must be to be getting in the air in Germany in prep for the Big Show! We are also getting ready for the Ontario Provincials and as a group will be sending you positive vibes. We will be providing daily briefs on your exploits.
Good luck, Gentlemen!
Hi Joerg:
Keep up the good reporting! Looks like the weather is good,in fact, much better than here. It's still showering and overdeveloping here. No cold front for weeks.
I hope the east wind keeps blowing there. I know that's good. In 1999 we had about 7 days of that and outstanding conditions.
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